Rogue Donkey Exercise Demonstrations
Our Front + Berkeley location just got a new piece of equipment called the Rogue Donkey. Watch these videos to learn how to do four different exercises that target the glutes, lower back, hamstrings and core.
Reverse Hyperextension
Set Up and Load With Weight
Make sure the strap is pushed towards the center pole. Add weight of your choice and then put the rings in place to keep the plates from sliding off. Adjust the distance of the handles and foot pad using the lever. Pull the lever and adjust based on your height
Test the Set Up
Step up on to the machine, lay on the pad and reach for the handle. You shouldn’t have to completely extend your reach; it should be comfortable. Your navel should be on the pads, with the rest of your lower body free.
Perform Your Reverse Hyperextension
Slide your feet into the strap, making sure it’s around your ankles. Squeeze and lift through your glutes as high as you can, then back down. Avoid lowering your feet all the way down to keep the straps around your ankles.
How to Get Down
Kick off the straps or have someone help you remove them. Step back onto the machine and step down.
Nordic Hamstring Curl
This is an advanced hamstring curl variation. Before you try this alone, get the help of a friend or trainer to spot and assist you.
Set It Up
Set up the back plate so that it is close enough to the center to allow your knees to be on the curved section. Anker your feet between the roller pads. Your knees should be pushing into the curved part of the pads.
Perform with Assistance
Ask someone to stand ahead of you with their hands out, ready to support you at the end of the movement. Lower your body towards the pads, then push off the hands of the person assisting you, back to kneeling position.
90-Degree Back Extension
This is also an advanced movement, and you may need the assistance of a friend or trainer throughout the setup and dismount.
Set Up
Move the back plate according to your height and proportions. You may also need to adjust the height of the back plate. Make sure the adjustments allow your hip creases to be at the front edge of the center pads. Climb up and anker your feet in the roller pads. Make sure your feet are flat against the back plate, between the roller pads. Get someone to assist you to lay the front of your legs on the center pads.
Perform the Back Extension
Cross your arms over chest and hinge forward and down. Squeeze through your glutes and core lift your torso up to about parallel.
How to Get Down
If you have the strength, you can grab the edges of the pads and pull yourself up, kind of performing a Nordic hamstring curl. If you’re too tired at the end of your set, ask for assistance to push you back up to a kneeling position.
Sit-Up Variations
You can also do sit-up variations with the Rogue Donkey. No matter which variation you choose, make sure you remember these three things:
Move the back plate according to your height and proportions. You may also need to adjust the height of the back plate.
Sit on the center pads and anker your feet between the roller pads.
With control, lower down backwards, allowing your back and head to lower beyond the pads and down to the floor, then squeeze to rise to a sitting position.