Javeria Conquered Her Injuries and Discovered Her Strength

Javeria’s Challenge

When Javeria started training with Meagan, it was all about healing from injury so she could perform everyday tasks without so much pain and effort. With a herniated disc, wrist issues and two injured knees, Javeria felt debilitating pain and defeated. “I would have to do an actual warm-up before I unloaded the dishwasher – I couldn’t bend down to pick up the plates without feeling incredible nerve pain.”  

Centring her goals on rehabilitation, Javeria always knew she wanted to get into strength training but understood she had to recover from injuries first.  That’s when personal trainer Meagan came in. 

The Program

Before any program is developed, Body + Soul Fitness trainers take their clients through a Fitness and Lifestyle Assessment, looking at every aspect of movement – from flexibility, mobility and strength to muscle-length tension and posture. Gaining insight into a client’s level of fitness and health is paramount in the process.  

“Javeria’s assessment was very insightful for me,” says Meagan. “I was able to put the puzzle together with all her injuries, aches and pains, leading me in the direction of choosing appropriate exercises for her warm-up routine and her strength program. Without the assessment, I wouldn’t have been able to make her an individualized program that was effective for her training and rehabilitation.”  

Calling Javeria’s first program “Phase 0,” Meagan wanted to get her moving and comfortable in a gym setting. Meagan started by consulting Javeria’s physiotherapist and training Javeria once per week The full-body program focused on building her core strength, unilateral movements, and coordination. “When we started, Javeria was in too much pain, and her core was too weak to even think about putting her under a barbell,” says Meagan. It was important they took baby steps and that “we didn’t put pressure on her progress.”  

The Results

After four months, Javeria started training more often – upping the training from once a week to twice, and now, in 2024, to three times a week. Javeria went from being in constant pain to pain-free quickly. “She’s built a considerable amount of strength,” says Meagan. “She can do chin-ups, which were a big goal of hers, with 50% of her body weight, and she can squat 50% of her body weight. We’ve built so much progress together.  Now Javiera’s goal is to build muscle mass and squat her body weight by the end of the year.”   

For Meagan, it brings her joy when her clients reach their goals. No matter how small the improvement, she’s always proud. As a passionate lover of fitness and living a balanced lifestyle, Meagan loves that she can share that enthusiasm with others, helping them reach their goals and recognize their potential. “I’ve found friendships that will last a lifetime through my clients, and I am so invested in their fitness journey,” she says. “I’m so glad I get to be the one who helps them.”  

As for Javeria, “Other than my husband, I don’t see anyone as much as I see Meagan,” she laughs. “Getting my independence back in my life is very empowering, and when you can see yourself getting stronger, it has this synergistic feeling in life: if I can do this, I can do other things as well.”